Nintendo GameBoy Color (GBC) ROMs

  Name Filesize
USA 175 Sprite Parallax Starfield Demo 2.3 KB
USA Marvin Strikes Back [C] 1.0 MB
USA Lethal Weapon [!] 50.4 KB
Europe Cross Country Racing [C][!] 485.2 KB
Japan Boulder Dash 30.0 KB
USA Power Racer [!] 34.6 KB
USA Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie 144.9 KB
Japan Konchu Hakase 2 [C][!] 380.2 KB
USA Breakout 1.8 KB
Japan Simpsons, The - Krusty's Funhouse 91.1 KB
Japan Front Line - The Next Mission [C][!] 194.5 KB
USA Yogi Bear in Yogi Bear's Goldrush [!] 93.3 KB
USA Dead Heat Scramble 35.5 KB
USA Pokemon Yellow [C][T-Spa0.41 Paladin Knights Translation 504.6 KB
USA Duck Adventures [!] 43.3 KB
Europe Konami Golf 91.6 KB
USA ATC - Air Traffic Control Simulation 6.8 KB
USA Wario Walking Demo 1.7 KB
USA Terminator 2 Video 338.8 KB
USA World Cup USA '94 [!] 88.1 KB
USA GBS Player V1.01 - Mega Man 10.7 KB
USA Knockout Kings [!] 458.1 KB
USA Championship Pool [!] 61.2 KB
USA Bust-a-Move 4 [!] 197.1 KB
USA Pac-Man & Pac-Attack SCE [C] 75.5 KB
Japan Wizardry Gaiden 1 - Suffering of the Queen 175.4 KB
Japan Burger Pocket [C][!] 255.6 KB
USA GBS Player V1.00 - Final Fantasy 8.6 KB
USA Emperor's New Groove, The [C][!] 329.8 KB
USA GBS Player V1.00 - Super Mario Land 3 - Warioland 11.9 KB
Europe V-Rally - Championship Edition [C][!] 179.6 KB
USA 3D Wireframe Demo 5.4 KB
China EMS Multi-ROM Menu V1.2 10.0 KB
USA GBS Player V1.01 - Mega Man 5 15.5 KB
Europe Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Back from the Sewers 161.1 KB
USA Terminator 2 - Judgment Day 64.7 KB
USA Hoyle Card Games [C][!] 216.2 KB
USA Leisure Suit Nick 11.9 KB
USA NHL Blades of Steel 2000 [C][!] 161.0 KB
USA Jeopardy [!] 100.0 KB
USA Balloon Balloon 7.4 KB
USA Mask of Zorro, The [C][!] 401.7 KB
Japan Ferrari - Grand Prix Challenge 43.6 KB
Europe Tale Spin 66.6 KB
USA Dexterity [!] 35.2 KB
USA Bugs Bunny 30.1 KB
USA Pitfall - Beyond the Jungle [C][!] 167.3 KB
USA Pokemon Yellow [C] 502.0 KB
Japan Tasmania Story 15.4 KB
USA Warioland 2 391.4 KB
Europe Boy and His Blob, A - Rescue of Princess Blobette [!] 38.9 KB
USA Vegas Games [C] 159.5 KB
USA Madden '96 295.9 KB
USA Beauty Girls Volume 1 212.6 KB
USA Land Before Time, The [C][!] 217.5 KB
USA Fish Dude 25.5 KB
USA Winnie the Pooh - Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood [C][!] 490.9 KB
Japan Gran Duel [C][!] 467.4 KB
USA R-Type DX [C] 323.6 KB
USA Gargoyle's Quest - Ghosts'n Goblins 86.5 KB